
Showing posts from March, 2007

Friday March 16, 2007

Wow, was incredibly tired before the workout. Had only 4 hours of sleep! Long story:) Anyways, I worked out with Zenzo, a fellow classmate of mine and hardcore workout buddy. Here's what we did: Abs: - Situps: 50 reps - Crunches: 50 reps - Situps - Crunches: 50 reps - Side Situps: 25 reps x 2 sides - Leg raises: 3 sets x 20 reps - Side crunches: 3 x 15 (on support) Arms: - Chin ups: 10 reps - Bicep curls: 3 x 10 (20 lbs) - Tricep press: 3 x 10 (80 lbs on pulley) - Shoulder press: 3 x 10 (60 lbs, machine) - Bench press: 3 x 10 (70,80,125 lbs, machine) Alright! Have an awesome day:) Work hard, play hard!

Monday March 12

9:30 - 10:30 Machines - Shoulder Press (50lbs, 3x10) - Bicep Curls - each arm (10 reps, 5 sets, lbs = {20,30,40,30,20}) - Abdominal Curl - (3x20, 70lbs) - Pectoral Fly - (reps = {20,12,8}, 3 sets, lbs = {60,80,100}) Treadmill - Speed Work - 20 minutes, Jog: 5 mph, Run: 8 mph, Recover: 4 mph - Jogged for 4 minutes, Ran for 1 minute, Recovered for 30 seconds, and repeated (4 times in total) Comments: I am feeling very good after today's workout. Hopefully I will have enough energy to carry on throughout the rest of the day. I forgot to bring gym clothes today, but at least I wore track pants to school:) I am very excited. Even though this Fitness Club did not turn out very well this year, I have a clearer vision of where I need to be and where God has called me. In terms of CCF, this vision that I have will have to wait 16 months as I do PEY in Seattle. During that time, I know that God will refine the vision He has for me and shape me into a man after His own heart.

Saturday, March 10

In preparation of dragonboat season, I decided to haul myself to the gym:) I did some strength training for about half an hour to 45 minutes. I was feeling fairly tired (should eat more next time:p). But the workout was good, intense, and felt refreshing. Then I ran on the treadmill for 15 minutes. Every 5 minutes I would "sprint". Jog: 5 mph, Run: 8 mph. The "sprints" would last 1/2 minute. Ok, motivate, energize, revitalize --> focus, concentrate --> move!

Friday, March 2

Was up late working on presentation so I was fairly tired. Anyhow, this is what I did: Hart House Circuits (1 set of Introductory Level II) Abs (3 sets) - Crunches (12 reps) - Plank (1 min) - Leg raises (12) I felt very great after, despite the entire workout only being 30 minutes. The idea of each workout is to feel great and have fun - pushing myself to my best, yet not overkill:)