2014.10.03 Morning Coffee

Morning Coffee: Tim Hortons Medium Coffee


I woke up at 5 a.m. yesterday and today to make it to the gym for the 6 a.m. class. I've been trying to "beat the sunrise" everyday and get up by 5 a.m. If my body needs rest and I have the opportunity, I'll take it!

Other times, I just need to wake up and get into the grind. Wake up, embrace life, and set about your day with purpose and excitement!

"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." --Benjamin Franklin

I'm in no ways proof of this statement, but I'm learning to learn from the timeless wisdom of ages past.


"Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days." Psalm 90:14


I finished my first speech contest! Was I ever nervous!! This was our Toastmaster Club's Humorous Speech Contest. My speech was titled "My Love Affair with Coffee".

I got a lot of positive feedback and the group was very supportive. I was disqualified, having gone over by 6 seconds. Despite that, I had so much fun! For me, getting through the speech contest was my personal win. I feel a bit more confident and excited to continue with the rest of my speeches in the Toastmasters' program.


Chicken Coconut Soup with Peanut Butter #IMU

Reviewing some notes at Tim Hortons and went through 4 cups of hot water to battle my cold

York Region booth at Markham Fair showing the "Build Your Intersection" activity and connecting with the public on the future of transportation in York Region.

Coffee break. Cheese croissant, fresh from the oven. Couldn't resist :)


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