30 Day Morning Miracle Challenge
Our cool team from Fight Fitness recently started a challenge to conquer the morning.
Here's the challenge:
Conquer your mornings to conquer your days to conquer your life!
The #30daymiraclemorningchallenge starts tomorrow!
Rules are simple, wake up 5-30 min earlier than you normally do and complete one or more of your S.A.V.E.R.S., post your win here with the hashtag #miraclemorningday .... let's see how many mornings you can do it in a row.
Ex. #miraclemorningday1 I completed 5 min of silent reflection and meditation!
Here's the cheat sheet for S.A.V.E.R.S.
1. Silence
2. Affirmations
3. Visualization
4. Exercise
5. Read
6. Scribe
Since the start of the challenge, I've been waking up at 5 a.m. and including some combination of hot/cold shower, coffee, high-protein breakfast, and movement.
Our team posts each day in our Facebook group. Mine are cross posted below. If you're in for the challenge, simply jump in :)
Shout out to Cynthia for inspiring me to blog again.
Here's the challenge:
Conquer your mornings to conquer your days to conquer your life!
The #30daymiraclemorningchallenge starts tomorrow!
Rules are simple, wake up 5-30 min earlier than you normally do and complete one or more of your S.A.V.E.R.S., post your win here with the hashtag #miraclemorningday .... let's see how many mornings you can do it in a row.
Ex. #miraclemorningday1 I completed 5 min of silent reflection and meditation!
Here's the cheat sheet for S.A.V.E.R.S.
1. Silence
2. Affirmations
3. Visualization
4. Exercise
5. Read
6. Scribe
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Source: http://www.jamesaltucher.com/2015/07/how-to-win-the-day/ |
Our team posts each day in our Facebook group. Mine are cross posted below. If you're in for the challenge, simply jump in :)
Shout out to Cynthia for inspiring me to blog again.
Happy Monday friends!
Woke up @ 5 a.m. and ... didn't snooze! ... WIN!
Checked my phone only to get pumped up by Cynthia's post! ... WIN!
Showered, changed, & sipping my mushroom coffee within 30 min - usually takes me >1 hr ... WIN!
Made a high-protein breakfast - lately I've been grabbing coffee & rushing out ... WIN!
Made it to the gym at 6:30 a.m. to work on one thing I love (Oly lifting) and one thing I love much less (core work) ... WIN!
Sitting at my standing desk (well, sitting on the Equalizer bars), I put on my headphones to go through a guided meditation from Headspace ... WIN!
Each "win" this morning is a miracle for me. And each "win" built on the last, starting from last night, when I resolved to wake up & get going at 5 a.m.
I was reflecting on all the inspiring posts & thought .... "If we all do this for 30 days, then how do we find the winner?" Of course, it isn't about "winning" or getting the shiny thing. It's what we get & who we become through the journey. (The same can be said for trying to get a handstand, a new squat PR, completing your first marathon, etc.)
Thanks for initiating this, Joe. I look forward to all the inspiring posts. But moreover, I look forward to who we all become through this practice.
Happy Tuesday Team!
5:00 a.m. Wake-up, shower, coffee ritual
5:30 a.m. High protein breakfast
6:00 a.m. At-home strength workout + cold rinse
- Mindful movement.
7:00 a.m. Listened to the last half of the Tim Ferriss podcast with Charles Poliquin (my audio version of reading). Insights include
- The difference between good and great trainers is that great trainers consistently deliver results for their clients. Your ability to deliver results matters much more than your credentials.
- Consistency is key. Having a dedicated training time and tracking your progress are two of the most important habits to getting results
- Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep. Which is more important? Yes.
As I read the election news, reflect on my tasks & priorities, and sip my coffee, I can't help but be grateful for our country, and for each of you.
Happy Hump Day! *Sending wireless hugs*
5:00 a.m. - Woke-up, got out of bed, then ... passed out for another half hour on the couch :p
This morning was a bit slower. The 5 a.m. mornings have been tough. I'm mindful of the rest & nourishment my body needs.
6:00 a.m. - Hearty breakfast & coffee prep for Carmelina.
Making breakfast a priority has been a big help for me in terms of energy levels.
My reading this morning came from the #miraclemorning posts from all you cool people. ... and from Seth Godin. Here's an excerpt from his post this morning that stood out to me:
"... We each have a platform, access to tools, a change we'd like to make in the world around us. We each have a chance to connect, to see, to lead.
And it's not, at least right now, fun or easy. It might not even seem like you've got a shot, or that the wind is too harsh.
Persist. It matters."
Have a Rockstar Thursday & keep fighting the good fight!
5 a.m. Turned off alarm, checked in with my body, and returned to bed knowing I need to make some "deposits" to pay off my "sleep deficit"
6 a.m. Woke up with much more energy and focus.
Instead of warming up my body with a shower first, I decided to warm up my mind through meditation and body through movement. I spent the first 10 min on Headspace (guided meditation session), and the next 5 min on a movement flow to warm-up my joints and muscles.
Next, my fav part, was my coffee ritual. As I was hand grinding the beans, I kept focusing on my breath, and was mindful in the brewing process. The extra love made the coffee taste extra good!
I wrapped up with an invigorating hot/cold shower.
7:30 a.m. En route to work, I was listening to a podcast on the power of placebo. The insight I took away was the incredible power of belief.
As I continue my work day, I'm filled with gratitude ...
... thankful for our country
... thankful for the soldiers who fight for our freedom
... thankful for the Fight Fitness family
... thankful for the strength and health I do have (vs. what I don't have)
... thankful for another beautiful & brisk day
Have Friday friends! Make it awesome!
6 a.m. Wake-up. Spent 5 min focussing on my breath and sitting in silence. Then did a 10 min guided mindfulness session from Headspace.
As I get ready for the day, a few thoughts cross my mind:
- grateful to train with others on the Fight Fitness team, both in mind & body
- feeling a bit sore in a good way from focussed & deliberate practice
- notice how easy my mind wanders
- grateful for my wife (married life is pretty fun)
Today's affirmation: I am a strong bridge 😎
Have a great Saturday, friends 🙏
6 a.m. Wake-up. Hit the snooze button to get a bit more rest.
.... 4 hours later ☺
I woke up today at 10 a.m. feeling strong 💪 and with a fire 🔥 to start the day.
I take sleep whenever I get a chance. After a week of early mornings, the extra hours came as a pleasant miracle.
The extra miracle is being able to spend the morning with my wife, making breakfast, hanging out, and going on random adventures.
Today's routine included an amazing brew of coffee, mindful movement practice, and 5 min of focused breathing.
Have a great day!
Today, I woke up refreshed from the weekend and excited for Monday! I spent 5 min focused on my breath and spent half hour (audio) reading. One thing I took away this morning was the importance of confidence & its polar opposite, the fear of failure. Today, I will live in confidence, knowing I am loved and have all that I need today.
Have a great Monday!
Woke up at 4:40 a.m. this morning and ... stayed up :) For some reason, every time I wake up before 5 a.m., even if I wake up naturally without an alarm, my natural response is that my body needs more sleep. Today, I decided to get an early start to my day and meet my coworkers at the gym at 6:30 a.m.
My morning included
- brewing coffee
- smelling coffee
- slowly sipping said coffee (with a bit of coconut oil)
- 10 min Headspace
- lower body strength session
The thing that stood out this morning was from my mindfulness practice with Headspace. So I finally "graduated" from Take 10 (after 10+ days) and now on Level 2 of the Foundation series. Today I focused on my motivation for this meditation practice. What does it do for me? And more importantly, what can it do for others, especially for my relationships with others? Reflecting on this helps ground my practice and gives me new purpose and vigour.
My thought today is "How can I use this newfound energy to serve others?"
5 a.m. wake-up (to alarm). sleepier than usual, but didn't go back to bed :)
10 min guided meditation (Headspace). practiced soft focus.
morning brew = freshly ground coffee + coconut oil
training session w/ coworkers focused on shoulders, & practicing a bit with the 24 kg (the weight required for Agatsu Level 2). this is a LOT heavier than the 16 kg/20 kg ... but this is okay. I just need to trust the program and be consistent.
body & mind feeling fresh, and getting fired about about tonight's class!
happy hump day friends :)
SMASH! Inspired by Chris Wise, this morning's brew included freshly ground coffee, coconut oil and cocoa powder (think powdered 100% dark chocolate). I even brought some to work to share with my coworkers after our early morning training session, and they loved it!
Now, the morning didn't start that way. I SMASHED the snooze button several times before finally getting up at 5:30 a.m. By the time I was ready to go, it was 6:30. "Is it too late to go to the gym? My coworkers are already there and leaving in an hour." **SMASH** negative thoughts eliminated! I'll make the most of the time I have. And wow! What a great training session - very focused and fun!
Have a great day Team! And hope to see some of you bright and early Sat morning :)
4:45 a.m. Wake-up. Smash Brew + Shower. In the shower, I spent a bit of time focused on my breathing, imagining I was doing intense mental training, meditating under a waterfall.
5:45 a.m. Drive to gym, listening to the same songs each morning. There's something soothing and meditative about these now-familiar songs.
6:15 a.m. At the gym, super tired. This is my 4th day in the row hitting the gym early with my coworkers. My body is still getting used to it. But when they started with heavy deadlifts, I woke up pretty quick! I ended up having a great workout and ended off with a good old-fashioned pump :)
7:30 a.m. Breakfast & coffee at a local cafe (Daybreak). This was our motivation for getting to the gym a bit early. This "reward" will hopefully cement this habit and condition me to keep waking up early :) We'll see how it goes.
I'm looking forward to a great day today, and hitting the gym with some of you bright and early tomorrow morning!
Happy Friday!
4:45 a.m. Woke up feeling awesome! And pumped to train with the team!
5:30 a.m. Arrived at the gym and spent time in solitude, reflection, and beginning the SMASH brew coffee ritual
6 a.m. Team warm-up (warming up inside our body with coffee)
6:30 a.m. Team training - kettlebell snatch practice
Today's thought:
Today I'm at a marriage conference at a local church. The speaker talks about 7 choices to strengthen your marriage. Right now, the speaker is talking about Choice #3, "I choose to serve sacrificially." As he's speaking to the husband's, he shares how love is about sacrifice & service.
So today, I choose love. A love that sacrifices and a love that serves.
Have an awesome weekend friends!
This morning, I woke up a bit later, did a 10 min meditation session, then did some cleaning around the condo while Carm was out. Cleaning can be meditative and relaxing :)
While my mind this morning was a bit distracted, I just sat, and watched those thoughts come and go.
Today, I'm filled with gratitude for the friends Carmelina and I have in our life 😊 Happy Sunday friends!
Woke up @ 4:44, ready to take on the day. I spent a few minutes in silent reflection in the shower, visualizing that waterfall :)
I continued my reflection on the bus ride to work this morning. It was hard to keep focus, and all too easy to keep checking my phone. As I finally settled, I noticed how distracted I was. And how much easier it was to hear what my heart is telling me when my mind quiets down.
I'm grateful for the fun weekend and look forward to my half week - we leave on our honeymoon this Thursday! Then back just in time for FFI on Saturday :)
Today I woke up at 4:44, then snoozed for another ... hour. I woke up, feeling rushed. I quickly prepped lunch and left for the gym.
This morning, I focused on a few basic lifts and kept my focus in the movements in the 1/2 hour I had. I find movement helps me meditate / focus (and vice versa).
I came across a new word while preparing for tomorrow's Toastmasters meeting: Assiduity - diligence and persistent application. In a sentence, "Tonight, I'll continue training with assiduity to make steady & consistent progress towards my goals."
Hope to see some of you out tonight! (Last sesh before I head out on my honeymoon)
4:44 Wake-up + snoozed until 5:30 (starting to feel under the weather, so sneaking in a bit of rest)
Wrote a note - hand-written :) - to my lovely wife, then made it to the gym for 6:30.
In the car, I focused on the drive and being present and silent. In the gym, my coworker and I focused on squat technique and learning how to activate the right muscles.
One more sleep before our honeymoon! Today is a busy day, but a good one. I'm excited to teach at Stouffville tonight!
Happy Hump Day Friends!
5:30 Wake-up, shower, 5 min of deep breathing and focus.
... then en route to YYZ :)
As we're heading to the gate, I'm filled with gratitude for the opportunity to get away a bit.
Have an awesome week cool peeps!! I'll try to stay on the challenge while I'm away :) See you all next week!
Woke up today without an alarm (8:00 / 9:00 EST) - definitely a gift when I can wake up alarm free :). Spent a few min in silence and grateful reflection before waking up my wife to start the day. Here's a shot outside our room.
Have an awesome week friends!
I had a chance this morning to sneak out (while my beautiful wife was catching a bit more shut eye) and ...
... Get a little pump at the gym 💪
... Spent 5 min at the beach in silence, staring at the ocean ... There's silence in the crashing waves, in the rhythm of the waters. And maybe, a small desire to surf 🏄
... Spent another 5 min sipping on locally grown & roasted coffee, visualizing how great the next few days will be here, and starting to imagine the kinds of experiences & memories I want to create with Carmelina ... and what I want our marriage to look like in a year, 5 years, 10 years ...
... Spent about 10 min last night writing, and reflecting on my first full day here. Reading those words this morning helps bring me clarity, focus and purpose. e.g. Just because I have unlimited food and drink, it does not mean I have to remain in a constantly inebriated & bloated state. What satisfies me now may not satisfy me in the long run. This is a great opportunity to practice delayed gratification, to say no to a few things (extra servings of food or a few extra drinks) so that I can say yes to what I really want (incredible energy, savour delicious food, and slowly sip that beautifully aged rum).