2014.09.24 Morning Coffee

Morning coffee: McDonald's brewed coffee, medium black


This morning, I woke up at 5:30 a.m. My goal is to be up at 5 a.m. on a daily basis. To build this habit, 
... I'm sleeping earlier
... I'm waking up a bit earlier each day
... I'm building routines in the morning and evening
... I wake up with a purpose and a reward (e.g. morning brew)
... I have fun along the way :)


Wisdom from Proverbs 14

v. 23 "In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty."

v. 29 "Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly."


Fitness updates

I recently toned down on CrossFit and heavy lifting. My focus has shifted from exercising to training. What are my goals? Why does this workout achieve? Does it align with my long-term plans?

Note: You can still "train" using CrossFit, and a lot of my friends do. The important thing is to plan and to be deliberate. For me, it is difficult to use CrossFit as part of my training as those workouts usually take a lot out of me (as they should!), leaving me little energy for my personal training goals.

And what are my fitness goals? On a high level, my goals are to move well and live a healthy life.

The implications for me include,
... Managing my workouts and rest so I have enough energy for my other commitments (work, relationships, church)
... Using the GymnasticBodies program as my main strength training program 
... Rediscovering the joy of running again
... Lifting and WODs for mobility and conditioning

For me, the GymnasticBodies program is the best strength training program I know. I've only been consistent with this for the past week, but I think the program is pretty smart. The integrated mobility and strength training works to rebuild my body from the ground up. 

I'll leave it here for now. The website does a better job explaining this than I do. I also need to get stronger and let my results speak for themselves :) Until then, happy training!


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