WOD updates

The March 6

Rest Day.
"No rest, no recovery. No recovery, no intensity." Chris Spealler

Wed March 5

8 p.m. @ CrossFit Markham
2x: 10 man makers, 10 box step ups, 2 laps
Squat cleans: 5x95#, 5x115#, 5x145#, 5x165#
5 min AMRAP
500 m airdyne
10 burpee over box (24")
20 KB swings (24 kg)
30 hand release push ups
40 double understand
(Got to 25 DUs)
2 min rest
7 min AMRAP
500 m airdyne
10 burpee over box (24")
20 KB swings (24 kg)
30 hand release push ups
40 double understand
(Got to 70 m on airdyne)

Weakness: push-ups

Tue March 4

8 p.m. @ CrossFit Markham
Warm-up 6 min alt tabata: mermaid rocks, hollow body rocks, kipping swings
6 min AMRAP
10 T2B
10 burpee to target
1 min rest
50 thrusters for time (135 lb)
(Rounds: 4, Time incl AMRAP: 15:40)

Mon March 3 

6 a.m. @ CrossFit Markham
Open WOD 14.1
10 min AMRAP
30 double unders
10 snatches at 75 lb
(Score: 258)

8 p.m. @ CrossFit Markham
Front squats: 4 x 10 @ 145 lb
- then -
For time:
50 wall balls (30#, 10' target)
21-15-9 C&J (135 lb) and C2B pull-ups
(Time: ~24 min ...)

Sun March 2 

2:30 p.m. @ Markville Fitness
Playtime (double unders, a few dips, etc.)

9:30 p.m. @ home
Then at home, some 3 x (15 dips, 15 bicep curls at 30#)

Sat March 1

11 a.m. @ CrossFit Markham
Open WOD 14.1
10 min AMRAP
30 double unders
10 snatches at 75 lb
(Score: 215)
some judging for the Open :)

Fri March 28


Thu March 27


Wed March 26

6 a.m. @ CrossFit Markham
CFM Diet Challenge Day 2
1 min at each station
Row calories
Box jumps
Power cleans 135/95lbs
1 min break
(Score: 168, I think; last time, 150)
Weight: 187.6 lb
Body fat: 17.5%

8 p.m. @ Bridle Trail Baptist Church
5 min AMRAP
1 Burpee tuck jump
6 alt jumping lunges
10 mountain climbers
- then -
Partner WOD
(5 x 1:00, EMOM 5 burpees)
C&J 95 lb
KB swings
Wall climbs
- then -
5x10 wall ball shots (20 lb) target 10'+
(alt with partner until each finishes 50 reps)


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