WOD 2014.03.11

7 p.m. @ CrossFit Ark

Front Squat
5 x 135 lb, 3 x 185 lb, 1 x 235 lb, 1 x 255 lb (PR!), 0 x 265 lb (2 attempts)

- then -

10 min AMRAP
5 strict pull-ups
10 burpees
15 air squats
(217 reps)

- then -

Ankle mobility seminar with Dr. Keith Tse! If you're in the Aurora area, check him out at Meridian Wellness!

- golf ball / lacross ball along arch (which connects to your calves too!)
- barbell to smash / roll Achilles' tendon and calves
- massage tibialis posterior (thumb pressure down and up), and flex/extend or rotating ankle
- open ankle joint capsule (manual stretch and distraction using strength band)
- stretch gastrocnemius and soleus


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