Keeping only what is useful

Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own. --Bruce Lee

I saw this quote yesterday and it got me thinking about what works and what doesn't work in my life. I often wonder why I still do things that "don't work" and don't keep doing things that "do work".

Today, I was thinking about what is useful in terms if food/drink consumption. I am trying to be consistent with paleo/zone and then add extra things as needed and see the effects of each variable. Being a coffee lover, I'm also trying to discover how my body best takes coffee and when it truly needs it.

- paleo/zone - this is a good base to start, but only keep what is useful to YOU (measurable, repeatable, precise) - when do I feel amazing eating protein / carbs / fat? when does my body best respond to fruit / sugar?

- coffee - does it promote energy or am I just drinking it when I'm stressed or need energy?

Food log + energy levels 

[the night before]

food prep! last night I bought some groceries and prepared a pretty solid meal the next few days. I plan to keep each day pretty much the same, with only small variations. here's what I have today. 
- fruit: 1 apple, 1 orange
- vegetables: Chinese broccoli
- meat: chicken drumsticks
- nuts and seeds (Brazil nuts)
- some starch: sweet potatoes

this is definitely a refreshing alternative to the fast food / high carb meals I have been eating after the diet challenge (gaining 10 pounds in less than a week). It wasn't useful and the enjoyment didn't last past the last bite. 


7:30 a.m. Wake up 
- slept through 2 earlier alarms; seeing what a "good day of sleep" looks like

8:00 a.m. Protein shake + PB, then a cup of coffee
- feeling great so far :)

10:00 a.m. Coffee
- still feeling amazing! need to beware of drinking copious amounts of coffee

11:30 a.m. Apple, small handful of Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds
- feel good still, just starting to get hungry now (even after!)

1:30 p.m. ... feeling hungry :p ... wait for it ...

2:00 p.m. Lunch time! Sweet potatoes, Chinese broccoli, chicken drumsticks
- delayed gratification :) while I'm hungry, energy levels are still good

5:30 p.m. Snack (Orange + Brazil nuts / pumpkin seeds) + Stretches at my desk

7:30 p.m. protein shake + PB, leftover noodles
- felt good after the shake; told my body I needed the extra carbs... Didn't feel so good after

8 p.m. WOD @ CrossFit Markham

9:30 p.m. protein shake + PB

10:30 p.m. Soup :)


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