Slept in till 6 a.m.

6 a.m. is not normally my "sleep in" time.

You see, Carm and I have been going to CrossFit at 6 a.m. the past two days and were hoping to go again this morning. This morning, it was me that slept in, sleeping right through two calls from Carmelina an hour earlier! I definitely appreciate the extra hour and will sleep earlier next time.

Waking up early, being consistent in my workouts, remaining focused at work, being fully present ... all these are small goals I have more myself. These successes come from smaller successes, like avoiding that extra coffee late afternoon/night, saving the Facebook for later, and not giving in to small indulgences like I did last night at Timmy's.

It's very true that the bigger successes come from consistently making the right choices over time.

First ask yourself, What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to become?

Then, map out smaller achievements of how to get there. List some habits of the type of person you want to be.

And then, just do it! Celebrate the successes along the way and if you fall, just pick something up on your way up.


In my spare time, I'm trying to pick up a few skills that are useful for work and everyday life. One of them is graphic design. I found this cool website to get started. It's quite a skill to communicate complex information in meaningful ways.

Writing well is another skill I want to learn and develop. Here's a link I was given to help guide my writing. As always, advice is always welcome.

In other news, I'm taking my CF-L1 certification in February with my brother. Turns out that the cert is at the end of our 6-week Diet Challenge! How cool is that??


I complete forgot to write about this. But the other day, Carm and I met this super cool person that does cool stuff. Check her out.


Matthew 6:11 (from the Lord's Prayer), "Give us this day our daily bread"

This morning, I'm grateful that God provides for my needs each day, including food, shelter, friends and an opportunity to work.

Keep smiling, friends :)


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