WOD 2013.02.12


6 x 135 lbs, 6 x 135 lbs, 6 x 185 lb s, 6 x 185 lbs
6 x 225 lbs, 6 x 225 lbs, 6 x 275 lbs
3 x 365 lbs, 3 x 365 lbs

- then -

4 Rounds for Time
7 Toes-to-bar
14 KB Swings (72 lbs)
21 Hand release push-ups
(Time: 6:55)

Incredible lesson from Harvest Men's Conference 2013
"The Christian's response to sin should not be guilt leading to shame, but rather conviction leading to change."

My new favorite song:
"Good and Faithful Friend" by Andi Rozier


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