WOD 2013.02.04


1x135 lbs, 1x225lbs, 1x275lbs
1x295lbs (PR),
1x315lbs (failed), 1x315lbs (failed), 1x315lbs (failed)

- then -

10 min AMRAP (Open WOD 11.1)
30 double unders
15 snatches (75 lbs)
(score: 4 rounds)

Also, I've been working on my burpees. Here is a log of some burpee attempts:

100 burpees for time
Tues, Jan 22, 2013: 5:57 (100)
Sat, Feb 2, 2013: 5:41 (100), 7:48 (130)*
*130 burpees since I lost a bet (guess the price of groceries; each $1 difference from total is 10 burpees; I was off by $13)

The goal is to beat my brother (his time was 5:21 last September!). I have a long way to go..


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