WOD 2012.10.08

Rest Day

Energy Management

Yes, it's yet another rest day. This is - in part - to make up for the missed rest day last Thursday. The main reason, however, is energy management.

I have a fixed amount of energy and need to choose my activities wisely. I will not do a hard workout if I have a tough work week ahead and am still sick. I will work on more creative activities in the morning, and more mechanical tasks later in the afternoon. Energy management is about knowing when and how to pace,  when to go hard, and when to say no.

"Paleo" Challenge

Our gym is holding a 6-week Paleo Challenge. The Paleo diet is based on foods available to cavemen during the Paleolithic Era (meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds). The Paleo Challenge will be done in teams of 2 with prizes given to teams with overall improvement in fitness, measured by body fat % loss, improvement in strength, and improvement in cardiovascular fitness.

My partner and I did this challenge last time following the Paleo diet as best as possible. This time, we signed up for the Challenge, except we will be following a vegan diet based of Brendan Brazier's Thrive Diet. The idea behind this diet is to keep your body alkaline to improve recovery. If you recover faster, you can train harder.

I expect to lose a bit of muscle, though I'm hoping not too much since one of my goals is to get a lot stronger. I stocked up on some vegan protein, so we'll see how that goes.

One of the other things I hope to get from the Thrive Diet is overall increase in energy. This will be interesting since I will be avoiding caffeine during this 6-week period (not even green tea). Let the games begin!


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