Food for thought

I seem to make the same mistakes again and again, especially when it comes to food.

Breakfast this morning was 3 eggs and some fruit. So far so good.

I got into work, downed a coffee and bought a banana muffin. I didn't really need the muffin, but enjoyed it anyways (a little oily though).

I had little to eat after and lots to do. I find I'm more productive in a semi-fasted state. Then .... lunch came. I ate my lunch I brought from home. So far so good. Then a couple hours later I bought lunch from the caf: stuffed turkey breast, potatoes, vegetables, bread pudding, and pop.

Two big mistakes:
- The second lunch: I definitely didn't need the extra calories.
- The processed sugar (bread pudding and pop): Big sugar spike = huge drop in mental clarity.

Small goals:
- Eat less, and skip meals / low-cal snacking--especially when I'm just sitting at the desk all day
- Avoid processed food: let's start with the pop, juice, and desserts (noooo!)


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