
Showing posts from July, 2012

Transportation is cool :)

I went to school for transportation and currently work in the field. If you're thinking about pursuing a career in transportation, or want to know more about the field, here's a cool video I found that shows why I enjoy working in transportation.

Food for thought

I seem to make the same mistakes again and again, especially when it comes to food. Breakfast this morning was 3 eggs and some fruit. So far so good. I got into work, downed a coffee and bought a banana muffin. I didn't really need the muffin, but enjoyed it anyways (a little oily though). I had little to eat after and lots to do. I find I'm more productive in a semi-fasted state. Then .... lunch came. I ate my lunch I brought from home. So far so good. Then a couple hours later I bought lunch from the caf: stuffed turkey breast, potatoes, vegetables, bread pudding, and pop. Two big mistakes: - The second lunch: I definitely didn't need the extra calories. - The processed sugar (bread pudding and pop): Big sugar spike = huge drop in mental clarity. Small goals: - Eat less, and skip meals / low-cal snacking--especially when I'm just sitting at the desk all day - Avoid processed food: let's start with the pop, juice, and desserts (noooo!)

Not Afraid

Reflections on Research   Last .... last week, I took part in a research conference. It reminded me of how much I enjoyed academia; and gave me a refreshing perspective on the challenges of modelling travel behaviour. I had the week "off", which meant that I bounced between work and the conference, enjoying the best of both worlds. The only downside is the lack of sleep leading to my trip to Montreal that weekend, with the dragonboat team. Dragonboat @ Montreal Montreal was a lot of fun! Smoked meat, camraderie, the excitement of dragonboating, and good laughs. And I had a chance to experience some of Montreal's exciting night life. I even entertained the thought of moving there. Even scarier, I even thought about paddling in the upcoming year. I know, crazy, eh? Battling Bronchitis The past week I've been fighting a cough. It would hinder my running, and any other physical activity. I thought I just had a bad cough, so I got some cold/flu meds and

WOD 2012.07.16

Sunday Reflections This past Sunday, our pastor preached from Psalm 119:121-128. Here are a few things that stood out to me: 1. The weight of God's promises--you can take it to the bank 2. His mercies are new every  morning 3. You know how well you are doing as a servant when you are treated like one--boom 4. We need to love His Word, and hate sin--the reverse seems easier IATBR I gave a presentation today at a conference in Toronto. While the presentation generally went well, I know I definitely need to work on public speaking--Toastmasters? WOD I wasn't able to complete the entire workout, and ended up doing some random stuff. As I was hanging in the gym, it suddenly hit me that I have an attitude problem--yes, took long enough, I know. This arrogance. Sense of entitlement. Quick temper. Things that irritate me when I see in others. Painfully obvious in my life. I need to replace these with humility, patience, and perseverance. 4 x 3 Hang Squat Snatch @ 105 l

Your Great Name

This song speaks of the greatness of God's name, and how His name alone has great power. As I was listening to this song on my way to work, I thought about why I still do the things I should stop, and why I don't do the things I should do. Just thinking about the greatness of God's name seemed to bring clarity to all this ... even if just for a temporary moment in time.

Spartan Beast Ottawa

Adventure in Lac Ste-Marie How did you celebrate the Canada Day long weekend? My brothers and I decided to go skiing at Mont Ste-Marie ... without skis. More precisely, we spent our Saturday climbing up and down ski hills as part of the Spartan Beast Ottawa , which was in Lac Ste-Marie, about an hour north of Ottawa. Pre-Race Excitement As we finished checking in, we arrived on the patio of the chalet and were greeted by epic music, among them being the song by Vangelis, "1492: Conquest of Paradise", which we thought was super epic because of this clip . We were just minutes from the start, excited and nervous about this run. While the race was advertised as a 20 km course, the announcer surprised us by informing us the course was at least 25 km. My brothers look ahead, undaunted by the hill. Little did we know that we would climb all the way to the top ... and back down ... 6 times. And the top wasn't even in sight. Nevertheless, we were energetic

Slow Fade

I heard this song on the radio and it definitely struck a chord within me. Small decisions made over the course of time can lead to seemingly unthinkable results. The song talks about how little choices, such as a fleeting glance or lustful thought, snowballed into relational disaster. "People never crumble in a day. Daddys never crumble in a day. Families never crumble in a day." As disheartening as this may be, there is hope in this truth: seemingly insurmountable obstacles can be overcome by making small choices in the same direction over a long period of time. So even if you someone who's crumbled through making poor decisions, you can also rebuild ... one brick at a time.