WOD 2012.06.08

6 p.m. @ CrossFit Markham

3 Rounds for Time
12 Hang Cleans (155 lbs)
12 Burpee Pull-ups

Entering the gym, I was anything but prepared. We had arrived late, having just woke up 10 minutes to the hour. I was tired from work and spent a good part of the time stretching.

"Heavy" cleans or heavy anything do not bode well for me. For me, 155 lbs is heavy. I only recently PR'd earlies this week with 165 lbs for 1 rep. During the WOD, I did a couple unbroken, but ended up doing the rest of the hang cleans as singles. As strength is a weakness of mine, this was a good opportunity for me to get stronger.

Burpee Pull-ups were fun! I started out slow, knowing that in this kind of movement, it is more important to keep moving than to do a few reps really fast. I simply do not have that kind of physical capacity ... yet. In a sense, I felt this was my rest period, even though I went faster and sweated more. The key aspect of this movement is the coordination and set-up.

CrossFit is my medicine. Were I a doctor, I'd prescribe it for the majority of my patients, along with a healthy active lifestyle and diet. I was tired, feeling sick, and sore all over. My body cried out for more sleep. Yet, since I was going with my brother, I felt obliged to go. I grudgingly dragged my body to the gym, almost mechanically, void of my usual excitement. Nevertheless, as I gave my body no other option, my body gradually awakened. And by the end of the workout, I felt as a new man.

I also started mental workouts more recently. I just finished Treasure Island, and am reading The Three Musketeers. Reading these fantastic books stretch my imagination and expose me to good literature. I am also studying some more technical topics, from the natural sciences to consumer behaviour. After a good study, I feel like my brain just finished a good CrossFit WOD.


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