Paleo Challenge - Day 37: Mostly Paleo Today!

Spiritual Juice

Submit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7
At times, I find myself doing the opposite. Submitting to the temptations of the devil, and resisting God's will for my life.

Today's meals were mostly paleo (i.e. I had a free cafe latte while waiting at the doctor's office ... for my car). Having paleo snacks helps with the cravings. I'm feeling fatter though. And it's not because of the paleo diet. Sitting 8-10 hours / day at a desk, with minimal walking, isn't the greatest for you (or for me at least!). When I got into the gym today, I was working out my kinks and feeling old. I need to find a way to break up my day and stay active. I enjoyed going to the pool during lunch times. I may also bring a kettlebell.

WOD - 8 p.m.

Warm-up (5 x 135 lbs, 5 x 225 lbs)
5 x 275 lbs, 5 x 275 lbs, 5 x 275 lbs, 5 x 275 lbs
I didn't push heavier weight since my mid-back felt unstable and a bit painful during the lift. That's my hint to strengthen my core, and stop sitting around so much (8-10 hours at the office + ~2+ hours in the car).

- Then -

For Time
Chest-to-bar pull-ups (strict .. last 2 reps needed kipping)
Ring dips (strict ... kipped last set of 5 reps)
Snatch (75 lbs ... scaled down a lot since shoulder mobility was poor)
Time: somewhere around 13 mins


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