Paleo Challenge - Day 13: Gamjatang!

Spiritual Juice

In response to Saul's doubt of David's abilities to defeat Goliath, David says, " ...Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear..."

While David was the youngest of his brothers, he certainly wasn't weak. Killing a lion or a bear with my bare hands is beyond my own comprehension. I wonder how David would fare in UFC.

WOD - 9:30 a.m.
(with the Iron Dragons)

10 min bike (131 calories)
50 bicycle crunches
25 v-ups
max plank hold

- Then -

4 sets of:
10 Bench press (115#), 10 Push-ups

2 sets of:
10 squats, 10 hang cleans (45 kg)


Pork bone soup with a friend today @ Seor Ak San! Okay .... cavemen didn't have Pork Bone Soup and no, I didn't stay paleo for that hour. But it was so worth it! And I was paleo the rest of the day :)


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