115 lbs snatch!

Snatch PR!
Sounds better than a "52.3 kg snatch"! But a PR for me :) Things to work out moving forward:
  • Strengthen wrist and shoulders, and improve joint mobility
  • Overhead squat (since catching it in the squat position isn't enough!)
  • Snatch Balance =)
100 Push-Ups / Day ...

... makes the goats go away! In CrossFit, "goats" refers to weaknesses. For me, strength is my main goat. To work on this, one of the things I'm trying is to do 100 push-ups / day (not all in a row, but at least in one sitting, in sets of 10 or more if possible). Today is Day 3. I usually do my push-ups in the evening ("usually" being the last two days). The goal will ultimately be to do this in one set, instead of having to break it up into smaller sets.

MIKESCHAIR - Let the Waters Rise (YouTube link)

At times my faith feels dry. I heard this song on the way into work and instantly connected. Check it out!


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