WOD for Jon's Bachelor Party

@ Markham Residence
560m Sprint


35 min AMRAP (initially 4 Rounds for Time)
20 Doghouse Overs
10 Rock Throws
20 Push-ups
1 Burpee Jump (from barn to hammock)
1 Ladder climb (touch top rung ~12’)
20 Pipe Jumps
1 Wheelbarrow (Load – Transport – Unload)
1 Wood Chop (with ax)
Note: These scores are not completely representative of an individual's fitness (i.e. traffic light during the sprint, waiting for some exercises, ...). Nevertheless, the goal of having fun during a workout was achieved =)

Based on the scores, the top 3 runners are:
1. Cedric
2. Jon F
3. Murray

Based on the scores, the top 3 finishers for the WOD are:
1. Ian
2. Justin
3. Josh L

Congratulations to all for the excellent work! Thank you all for coming out to celebrate with us!


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