Feb 24, 2011 is Day "One"

I have had several attempts of quitting coffee. Many of my friends get quite sick of following my drama with coffee, while others find it quite entertaining. Previously, I had gone cold-turkey for a month. After that month of no-coffee, I decided that "life's just better with coffee" and started drinking again, but with much better control.

More recently, I've been drinking (coffee) too much. With low amounts of sleep, coffee has been my primary source of energy. Today (Feb 24) was the first day I tried not drinking coffee. This resulted in splitting headaches and multiple naps throughout the day. But no pain no gain right?

So am I getting off coffee? Not necessarily. I do not like making commitments that I cannot keep. My long term goal is to get off coffee and to get my energy from a healthy and active lifestyle. Day "One" represents the 1st day of no coffee - "one" being in quotations since I've had many "first" days of this "coffee purge".

Smile =)


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