Today's lunch (Aug 16)

Nutrition accounts for at least 50% of meeting your fitness goals. Whether it is to build muscle, lose fat, improve performance, the quality and quantity of what you eat plays a major role in this. You are what you eat. Garbage in, garbage out. And so on ... (insert cliches here).

In an effort to eat out less and to eat healthier, I went home for lunch today. Here's what I had:

Chickpea salad (with other vegetables - leftovers from last night)
Chicken (2 drumsticks)
Spinach (about a cup?)
Purple Yam

I'm still feeling full and happy. My general philosophy of eating is this:

The food I eat should make me happy, both emotionally and physically. I shouldn't feel too bloated, nor should I be hungry shortly after. This encourages slow digesting foods, foods that are colorful (packed with nutrients), and a diet comprising mainly of vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.

Food should make me smile (but not just when it is going down ... but after too!) And today's lunch did just that!


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