Battling Temptation: Free Coffee!

Today is April 15, 2010 - Earth Day.

To celebrate, Starbucks is offering free coffee for those who bring their own reusable mug. For those just joining in, I'm on my 9th day into my Coffee Purge. See my previous post for the introduction.

Now, to understand the temptation, you need to know the following about me:

1. I am a student. Free stuff is to university students like gold is to pirates.

2. I am a coffee lover. I drink my coffee black. I love holding the warm drink, smelling the aromas, tasting the complex flavors.

Leading up to this day, I got an email from Starbucks Canada about this promotion. I received a forward from a fellow coffee lover about this same promotion. I also received 'friendly' notes on Facebook about this wonderful promotion.

I feel great.

Period. It's hard to describe this feeling. I have a lot more energy. More stable. More in control, ever since getting off coffee. Every time I would walk to school, I would pass by the local Starbucks (Thank you, Google Streetview). My instinct was to always veer to the right (or left - depending which way I was going) and gravitate to the wonderful aroma. My standard order was a Grande Bold, pulling out $2.05 before the barista told me the price. Had this offer come up at the start of my Coffee Purge, I don't know what I would have done. With the headaches and lack of focus, this was definitely a very tempting offer. Now, however, the offer doesn't seem so alluring. To me, this is a cheap way to cheat on my dreams. An easy way to give in and to give up. Again, for fear of being misread, it's not weaksauce to drink coffee. It's a great beverage! This is a path I've chosen - for more on motivation, I'll refer you back to my previous post.

Free Coffee at Timothy's too?!

Well, it comes with the purchase of a loaf / bread. Not a bad deal actually! Actually, I had no idea about this, until I walked into Timothy's to meet a friend this morning. Of all places! I figured I'd be okay and just order tea. However, it was still quite tempting, seeing how I also like to order a loaf slice from Starbucks when I want something to eat (Banana Bread being my favorite - here's a cool link to a recipe). I decided to order tea anyways, remembering that today is Serene's birthday and I made a deal with her too! So it would be pretty lame if I went back on my word just for a free coffee that really isn't free. Looking back, I'm glad I drank the tea (Organic White Pomegranate). My energy level is pretty high and stable. I feel less stressed and more focused.

Flying High

People talk about getting high from drugs, alcohol, and so on. Yes, I agree, it definitely feels great ... in the moment. But the high doesn't last. Coffee gives me energy for a while .... even for a day. But if my body isn't properly rested, I pay for it. My Coffee Purge started from my abuse of coffee. And right now, I feel incredible! Runners talk of a Runner's High. The feeling is great. The energy is natural and stable. I feel a similar kind of high from changing what I drink: staying away from coffee, staying hydrated with fruits and water, and getting caffeine in moderate amounts from tea. It's awesomesauce!

I invite you to join me on my journey in flying high. In chasing dreams. In finding true strength in body, mind, heart, and spirit.




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