
Showing posts from April, 2010

Dating Coffee: Josh and Coffee are no longer in a relationship

A few weeks ago, I picked up Susan Zimmer's book, I Love Coffee , from Canadian Tire. Simply put, I love coffee! I enjoy the warmth, the feeling, the comfort, the aroma, the taste ... A couple weeks ago (Apr 6th to be exact), I started my "Coffee Purge", doing anything and everything to stay off coffee. Lemons, water, apples, and the occasional chocolate snack helped me with cutting coffee. I was feeling great! This past Tuesday (Apr 20th), I decided to drink coffee again in the evening. So ends my Coffee Purge of 2 weeks. I started dating coffee again. The following day, I drank some more, longing for the comfort and intimacy I had with this beautiful drink. Our relationship seemed to be going great. I was happy with coffee and coffee was happy with me (or at least the coffee industry was :P). Within the first couple days, I immediately noticed a difference. This energy wasn't mine anymore. It was someone else's. I was letting coffee take over my life. Instead of

Battling Temptation: Free Coffee!

Today is April 15, 2010 - Earth Day . To celebrate, Starbucks is offering free coffee for those who bring their own reusable mug. For those just joining in, I'm on my 9th day into my Coffee Purge. See my previous post for the introduction . Now, to understand the temptation, you need to know the following about me: 1. I am a student. Free stuff is to university students like gold is to pirates. 2. I am a coffee lover. I drink my coffee black. I love holding the warm drink, smelling the aromas, tasting the complex flavors. Leading up to this day, I got an email from Starbucks Canada about this promotion. I received a forward from a fellow coffee lover about this same promotion. I also received 'friendly' notes on Facebook about this wonderful promotion. I feel great. Period. It's hard to describe this feeling. I have a lot more energy. More stable. More in control, ever since getting off coffee. Every time I would walk to school, I would pass by the local Starbucks (Tha

Coffee Purge: The Saga Continues

For Starters : For those who don't know me, I love coffee. For my grad gift (see left), my friends bought me a custom tumbler from Starbucks. My passion for coffee developed over my time in University, and grew during my time in Seattle - where, ironically, I tried to quit coffee. The plan was to drink lots of water, fruits and vegetables. The plan failed horribly, as each day, I would walk by the kitchen and smell freshly brewed coffee. Coffee. Free. Fresh. How could I refuse? Since then, coffee has been an integral part of my life. No Coffee?! Why ? My love for coffee has led to consuming large amounts of coffee, leading to: headaches, abnormal sleeping patterns, yellow teeth, bad breath, and funny feelings in my heart (when I drink too much). It's easy to think why I should stop, however, the taste, the warmth, the freshness, and friendliness of this wonderful brew was something I wasn't ready to part with so easily. I wanted to quit, yet at the same time, I