The Plan

I met with a personal trainer @ Xplore Fitness. His name is Jason and he's a crazy martial arts expert and personal trainer. I learned a lot and he has given me a better sense of how I need to achieve my goals. But here, let me state my goals a little more clearly:

I aim to increase my lean body mass, increasing my body weight from 172 lbs to 200 lbs by August 2008. I am running 10 k and 1/2 marathon races with my coworkers, with the purpose of having fun and finishing. 200 lbs is not a strict constraint. My primary goal is to stay lean and functional and my secondary goal is to increase my size.

The Plan
- no calorie counting, or specific eating plan. just know the basics and be consistent

Plan: Weight breakdown
1. 172 lbs x 15.5% = 26.7 lbs body fat (BF)
2. 172 lbs - 26.7 lbs = 145.3 lbs lean body mass (LBM)

If goal = 200 lbs total weight, and want to maintain BF %,
BF (goal) = 31 lbs (+4.3 gain)
LBM (goal) = 169 lbs (+23.7 gain)

Plan: Nutrition
Need to just eat more :) Approx 2500-3000 cal / day. Maintain balance in each meal of:
- Carbs 50%
- Protein 25%
- Fats 25%

Also, for gaining muscle, need approx 117 grams protein / day (weight in kg *1.2). Protein and other nutrients required immediately after a workout. I will generally consume this in the form of a protein shake.

What I'm going to do is eat until I'm satiated (not feeling too full / bloated) and eat often (so I'm not feeling hungry). The first is to avoid excess fat storage, and the second is to avoid catabolism and loss in LBM. P.S. Drink lots of water

Plan: Cardio
Max heart rate = 220 - 21 (age) = 199
65% HR = 129 (fat burn zone), 45-60 min max before losing LBM
85% HR = 169 (cardiovascular strength zone) , 20-30 min max before losing LBM

Stay in between these two zones. Where exercise will exceed these maximums, ensure proper nutrition (enough carbs and good balance).

Plan: Working out
4-6 exercises per body part
3 sets 10-12 reps
- 1st set: just do it
- 2nd set: just do it
- 3rd set: on final rep, hold contracted position for 10-30 sec, then resist the negative

Strength training 4 days / weeks.
Monday (Day 1): Biceps / Triceps
Tuesday (Day 2): Chest / Back
Wednesday: Cardio (i.e. cycling class)
Thursday (Day 3): Quads, hammy, calves
Friday (Day 4): Shoulders (front / back)
Saturday: Cardio (i.e. running with coworkers, martial arts class @ Xplore)
Sunday: Rest
*abs and core should be trained often =)

- use cables (constant resistance)
- in chest exercises, keep chest out and shoulders back
- working opposing muscles
- aiming to get muscles to point of fatigue
- contract muscle @ each rep
- vary grip for variety and to work different muscle groups
- perform function exercises as well (pushups, dips, chinups...)

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip of every weight that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. -Heb 12:1 (NLT)


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