
Showing posts from October, 2017

Siddhartha on the value of fasting

Today, I'm (accidentally) honing the skill to "ward off hunger for a long time and laugh at it." It's a superpower I don't have yet. I do have the "skill" of being overcome by my hunger and eating for a long time... My mindset of treating fasting as a skill is taken from a conversation between Siddhartha and a merchant. The last paragraph is particularly insightful. I'd love to here your experience with fasting if you have any, along with what worked best for you. Here's the convo: Siddhartha: "That seems to be the way of things. Everyone takes, everyone gives. Life is like that." Merchant: "Ah, but if you are without possessions, how can you give?" Siddhartha: "Everyone gives what he has. The soldier gives strength, the merchant goods, the teacher instructions, the farmer rice, the fisherman fish." Merchant: "Very well and what can you give? What have you learned that you can give? Siddhartha: I